
The Trickle Down Effect


When I think about the genesis of TPI, I think back to my early conversations with my co-founder, Dr. Greg Rose, about the incredibly daunting challenge of developing a new way to look at golf instruction. We knew there was a fundamental connection between how the body moves and a player’s ability to swing efficiently, but first we needed to prove it. We put together an incredible advisory board from all over the world that represents the leading minds in golf, fitness, movement, coaching, training and rehabilitation. Together, we formed the foundation of what today we call the Body-Swing Connection™. Then we needed to educate other professionals on our findings and finally, this information would have to trickle down to the regular player. That was twelve long years ago and today, golf fitness is literally an industry unto itself.

We’re on the right trajectory. We’ve certified over 12,000 industry professionals across 55 countries. But even with the growth of the industry and all the recent talk, both positive and negative, about training, over training, the right and wrong kind of training, we still have a lot of work to do. I say this because so many players are still completely unaware of how restrictions in their body can negatively impact their golf swings, and their health. Educating the golfer is an equally important step and may be the hardest step yet.

Today, I read an article by Des Bieler in The Washington Post and it put a huge smile across my face. I love this quote from him: “I’ve spent dozens of hours at the driving range over the past couple of years, seeking to refine my technique, only to feel like I was taking one step forward, then two steps back.” We hear this all the time at TPI. Des goes on to share his recent experience about being physically evaluated as part of a comprehensive golf evaluation. It’s funny, poignant and simply hits the nail on the head of what it’s like to be an average player whose eyes are opened to the Body-Swing Connection™ by some great practitioners in his local area. Enjoy the article here:

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